Friday 26 January 2018

‘My time?’ Yeah baby!

Did I happen to mention that I’m running a half marathon to raise money for Georgie’s eye-gaze machine? Yes? I read the other day that people who choose to run for charity are a teensy bit selfish since really, they gain loads just by doing the training. They should try telling me that when I’m 3 miles into a 7 mile training run, up-hill and it’s snowing… again. Really though, I do think they might be onto something.

Having kids is blooming hard work. In fact, when my older two were little, I used to look forward to going to my actual paying job for a rest. At least I could have a wee in peace and I had a whole, luxurious hour for lunch. I could stalk old school chums on Facebook, read the latest cheesy chick-lit paper back, find a park bench for a little nap… you know, all the important things. It made me feel like an actual person rather than just ‘Mackenzie/Gabby’s Mum.’

Now I don’t do actual payed work and it’s really easy, especially between hospital visits and very serious conversations about Rett Syndrome, to just be ‘Georgie’s Mum.’ Don’t get me wrong- I love the title. But sometimes I quite like to be Kelly. And that’s where running comes in.

I can’t think of anything when I run (apart from lycra chafe, trying to avoid standing in dog pooh and worrying that my bottom looks mega wobbly from the back) so it really is time out. I hate the phrase ‘me time’ but yeah, it’s my time. My time to try not to swear or die when running up-hill. My time to listen to really cheesy music on my i-pod without the kids moaning that ‘it’s just sooo nineties Mum, get a grip.’

Now my husband, who is definitely Not A Runner, used to moan about me disappearing off for hours on end to run but now I’m raising money for Georgie he can’t. Bonus! So perhaps it is just a little selfish to choose to raise money this way but I know my wobbly bottom and my sanity will thank me for it one day!

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